I was working on a set of springtime coasters (pattern to be posted here soon) using my leftover eggs fabrics when I looked down at my applique squares and thought, "These would make a great quilt!" I MUST CONFESS... I really, really covet a quilt like this - one with colorful squares set in really wide, solid sashing, like little jewels. I've never sewn anything like this. The wide sashing would look beautiful filled with traditional feather quilting - more beautiful quilting than I am capable of at this point. Or maybe a accented along their borders by hand quilting in pearl cotton? What do you think?

Our oldest got braces this week and I ALSO MUST CONFESS that I go into shock each time I look at her sweet face. It seems only yesterday she was toddling around holding her dolly and singing her ABCs. WHERE DID TIME GO?
And tonight my fantastic mother, who is visiting, and my spectacular children made my husband and I dinner - butternut squash ravioli with walnuts and spinach. They even made the ravioli from scratch. It was delicious! And so, of course, I MUST CONFESS that I love having a delicious and very fancy (we even had candles!) dinner made for us. How decadent!
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