Charlotte 2010 Winter Olympics
Charlotte's mild climate doesn't usual afford us the opportunity to engage in winter sports, but this weekend was the exception. Friday night we were blessed with four inches of snow. Now, some of you from up North might (maybe rightly) consider those four inches something to scoff at, but here in Charlotte, a city of non-existent snow plows, the prospect of four inches causes many to make an emergency run to the store for bread and milk. (I'm not sure why bread and milk... it is just what we do.)

So, with boots on our feet and sleds in our hands, we walked over to the park on Saturday morning for our own version of the Winter Olympics. Our favorite sport?
Soon Eamon was zooming down the hill like a pro!

Caitrin concentrated on perfecting her technique.

It melted today, but it was fun while it lasted!
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