Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Modern Holiday Blog Tour Day 3

Next up on the Modern Holiday Blog Tour is Sara at Sew Sweetness.  I've known Sara online for years (she tested some patterns for me when I was just starting out) and she such a nice person!  She makes the most fantastic bags (and bag patterns) and is working on a book too!  When I saw her at Market in Portland I recognized her immediately because she was wearing one of her fantastic dresses.

So, if you aren't familiar with Sew Sweetness make sure to check it out and if you are familiar with it, make sure you hop on over for another chance to enter to win a copy of Modern Holiday.

Happy sewing!

P.S.  If you are in the Charlotte area I'll be speaking at the Charlotte Quilt Guild tomorrow night (Wednesday) about embellishment ideas for your holiday projects...

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