Thursday, May 31, 2012

All About Blend Fabrics...

Hi everyone!  I thought I'd take a moment to tell you a little bit more about Blend Fabrics, who will be producing my Bella line, along with other fun things in the future!  Blend is based in Atlanta, Georgia and is a subsidiary of Anna GriffinAnna Griffin is quite well known in the stationery and paper industry and you can read more about her here

Anna Griffin's Camilla collection
(photo by Jerry Mucklow)

Anna Griffin's Leopard collection
(photo by Jerry Mucklow)

I've been a long-time admirer of Anna Griffin products, so I was so excited to hear that she was expanding into the quilting market last year, especially because I think our styles fit so well together!

Blend Fabric's Calypso collection (photo by Jerry Mucklow)
I hope you all enjoyed reading a little more about Anna!

Happy sewing!

P.S.  For those who have asked about Robert Kaufman, I am pleased to say we are still working together on other fronts.  Blend Fabrics will be producing my fabrics, but I am currently working with Robert Kaufman on other fun projects that are top secret for the time being.  Stay tuned!


  1. It all sounds really interesting and I cant wait to see more ;)

  2. It looks like a great relationship....i love Anna's line....with yours , a great wishes

  3. Congratulations! This looks like a match made in heaven, as they say! I'm looking forward to seeing fact, I'm off to check out the links you gave!

  4. I am excited for you. What a wonderful partnership...Anna Griffin has such lovely lines of products and I love your fabric!


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