Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And the winner of the "My Memories" digital scrapbook giveaway is...

#9 Pink Granny, who said:

I like the Pretty in Pink...Breast Cancer Awareness Month is coming up and I will be celebrating 8 years as a survivor on the 16th...so I want to make a pink scrapbook!

I'm sure that everyone will join me in congratulating her on you on your 8th year as a survivor.  That is wonderful!  Hope you have a great time making your pink scrapbook!

Happy sewing!


  1. Thank you very much! I am so excited to be chosen.

  2. Congratulations on the win and woohoo for being a survivor!

  3. Congrat, Pink Granny! And thanks for being an inspiration to those of us who are more recent survivors or still survivor wannabes. It's good to hear stories like yours.


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