Monday, May 30, 2011

A weekend project

What did everyone do this Memorial Day weekend? 

I thought I'd share a bit of mine with you.  Eric and the kids went to visit my in-laws; I am on a deadline for work and needed access to my internet and graphics tablet, so I stayed behind.  In the spirit of biting off more than I can chew - a trait I undoubtedly inherited from my mother - I decided to redo our daughter's room as a surprise.  Between running upstairs to cover both the room and myself in paint (I am a sloppy painter) and running downstairs to do design work, it has been a crazy weekend.

It is still incomplete.  I didn't have time to sew bedding, so I purchased Amy Butler bedding from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I am going to eventually supplement that with accessories in my Veranda line using the pink, green, and aqua prints, but Caitrin and I will work on that together.  I want to cover the white lampshade I bought with the green and aqua fabrics in the line.  I think Town Square will look perfect at the end of the bed when I get it back from Robert Kaufman.

They are coming home in a few hours.  I can't wait. 

Back to work - thanks for letting me share!

Happy sewing!


  1. Amanda, that looks so pretty! i bet she'll love it. Didn't know BBB carried Amy Butler bedding. Your town square quilt will look perfect on the end of the bed. Such a lovely room.

  2. What a cute room! She is sure to love it :)

  3. The room looks darling! I am sure your daughter is going to be so thrilled when she sees it!


  4. What a great project! I bet your daughter was thrilled with the results! I also didn't know Bed, Bath and Beyone carried Amy Butler Bedding...

  5. So beautiful! I really love it...I wish that was my room!!

  6. What a wonderful surprise! I'm sure she'll love it. Looks lovely and fresh...

  7. I believe I would love that room quite nicely - great job and what a surprise. Judy C

  8. It looks lovely! I think the bedding is super bright and cheery! I bite off more than I chew can too, my Mom says my eyes are always bigger than my tummy ;)


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