Sunday, March 13, 2011

"White Chocolate"

Another of my Swiss Chocolate quilt, "White Chocolate", appears in Fons and Porter's Easy Quilts Summer Issue.

Directions didn't fit in the magazine, but if you are subscriber, you can go over to their website and download them.

I wish you could see the quilting on this in more detail. Janice Hayes did a fantastic job on this one. The brown bars look dimensional, the crea print is heaiviy quilted, and there is a flower motif quilted in each central block.  I will post a picture from the back once it arrives home.

I am washing and ironing at least a hundred yards of fabric this weekend. Literally. Can't wait to cut into it!

Happy sewing (or maybe ironing too)!


  1. oh my goodness. You have so many awesome looking quilts in a ton of magazines with Swiss Chocolate. I now have to decide which one I want to make. Congratulations on all the quilts.

  2. White chocolate is gorgeous. You are one busy lady. I can't imagine ironing that many yards at a time. Happy Ironing to you, too.

  3. well you sure the busy little bee! I must say I hope NEVER to have to iron 100 yards of fabric in one weekend, YIKES!
    Have fun :)

  4. I do subscribe to that magazine so I'll be looking for the pattern. A hundred yards? Yikes! But oh so fun later. :) blessings, marlene


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